2020 Formula Windsurfing Foil European Championships – event update
The postponed 2020 Formula Windsurfing Foil European Championships are confirmed for the 1st to 6th of February this year.
The organizers at Clube Naval da Praia da Vitória are committed to hosting a successful and safe event and are working with the local authorities to make sure this is achieved.
To visit the Azores, the SARS-CoV-2 screening test is MANDATORY, within 72 hours preceding the flight from the airport of origin, carried out using the RT-PCR methodology, with NEGATIVE result, making explicit reference to the identification of the person tested, the laboratory, the date of the test and the signature of the person responsible for its performance, which must be presented prior to boarding, in digital or paper support, without which boarding will be refused.
Travelers originating in Mainland Portugal and the Autonomous Region of Madeira can perform these screening tests for FREE in laboratories agreed by the Government of the Azores, whose list is available here or on the destinationseguro.azores.gov.pt
We will be updating you with more information regularly and in case of questions do not hesitate to contact the class or the organizers directly.
See you soon